A Brief Of The Activities To Be Performed As A Part Of The Assessment Are :


Identify the applications to be review

Securis360 team and client shall identify applications to be assessed

Automated scan and exploitation

Perform automated scans on the identified applications. Review the extent to which web pages and nodes are vulnerable to exploits that are realistic by performing:


Perform manual assessment of in-scope applications

Assess the applications basis on the key areas to focus as per OWASP methodology

Injection, Broken Authentication and Session Management, Cross Site Scripting (“XSS”), Insecure direct object references, Security misconfiguration, Sensitive data exposure, Missing function level access control, Cross Site Request Forgery (“CSRF”), Using components with known vulnerabilities, Invalidated redirects and forwards and, Testing application business logic

Center Background Img


Application Security Assessment Report with details about the observation, risk, severity, business impact and recommendation

Pluse Background